BEST BOOKS I’VE READ IN 2018 (SO FAR) // top ten tuesday 


top ten tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by that artsy reader girl where you post a top ten list based on the topic of that week. this week’s topic is best books i’ve read in 2018 (so far).

while writing this post, i realised i actually reread quite a good number of books and not as many new releases as i would’ve liked. so as tempted as i may be, i’m not going to include any books that i have reread (even though i really want to hahaha). this list is in the order of when i read the books, not how much i loved them because i adore them all so much lmao.

okay, let’s just get on to the list.

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MID YEAR BOOK FREAK OUT TAG // how isit that half of 2018 is over !!

this tag was floating around recently and it looked interesting so i thought i’d give this a shot hahaha even though no one tagged me.

i realised—while scrolling through goodreads to see what books i’ve read this year—that i’ve actually reread quite a number of books rather than read books i haven’t already read. and yet i still ask myself why i have so many books in my tbr pile *smh*. 

so, my answers will inevitably include books i’ve reread this year. but i’ll try my best to also include new books i’ve read 🙂 let’s just move on to the tag because i’m sure no one wants to read my ramblings haha.

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