BEST BOOKS I’VE READ IN 2018 (SO FAR) // top ten tuesday 


top ten tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by that artsy reader girl where you post a top ten list based on the topic of that week. this week’s topic is best books i’ve read in 2018 (so far).

while writing this post, i realised i actually reread quite a good number of books and not as many new releases as i would’ve liked. so as tempted as i may be, i’m not going to include any books that i have reread (even though i really want to hahaha). this list is in the order of when i read the books, not how much i loved them because i adore them all so much lmao.

okay, let’s just get on to the list.

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how are yall doing? i’m super excited for the second half of the year because the sequels i’ve been waiting for are going to be released!!! but then again, this means that i’ll probably be really broke by the end of this year hahaha.

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MID YEAR BOOK FREAK OUT TAG // how isit that half of 2018 is over !!

this tag was floating around recently and it looked interesting so i thought i’d give this a shot hahaha even though no one tagged me.

i realised—while scrolling through goodreads to see what books i’ve read this year—that i’ve actually reread quite a number of books rather than read books i haven’t already read. and yet i still ask myself why i have so many books in my tbr pile *smh*. 

so, my answers will inevitably include books i’ve reread this year. but i’ll try my best to also include new books i’ve read 🙂 let’s just move on to the tag because i’m sure no one wants to read my ramblings haha.

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MY ALL TIME FAVOURITE SERIES // some book recommendations 

in which i rave non-stop about books that i love because that is literally the main point of this post. and also a ton of lists because no one wants to read paragraphs of words lol.

disclaimer: this list does not cover all the books i adore because that would take me forever to write and take you forever to read. so i’m just going to (try to) pick those that i absolutely adore and would defend them no matter what!!

also, i know everyone has different opinions on these books and i completely respect that. now onto the books!

p.s. they are in no particular order because i simply love them all and its to hard to number them (like why would you do that?).

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